What personality trait in people raises a red flag with you?
Trust me sometimes we are blind and can only see after too late , and the best friend or partner we choose will be the one with all The flags and the one that make us regret .
Project l
But personally I have an exceptional experience in defecting any flag , as I was dealing with an epic narcissist that produces low vibrations across the clock .
And such people , nothing can satisfy them , as they themselves are not satisfied with anything and all they do is lie , cheat , threat , monopolize, abuse , and some of these monsters are pro !as they will step on all morals and whatever religions to get what the want , they can speak in religion while are evil.
Once I go a god bless you from them just for materials needs
But the worse is
No matter how much we give these type of people . A million or non is the same , and we do not wake up on time , we will be gone .
As for my prospectives and experiences , these type of humans are stray and demons , and the only solution to get out of whatever they planned is to cut them off no matter what links us to them . As they have all the red flags and will threat your self worth and self being .
As for the red flags that on personality treats : there is a lot
1 extreme sexual fantasy
2 taking more than giving
3 how they treat strangers in-front of you
4 lies or sneaky behaviors
5 ego on wrong situations
6 demanding and always materialistic talk
7 discreet about their past
8 how they fight back others
9 social media and connections
10 when they describe the once they sleep with and where their exs as ( friend )
In the end flags are many and depends on each of us and how we see things . and what could be a red flag for me may not be for you ,
Sometimes the good heart once , even they see the red flag they will think it’s the right road signs ,as some humans they can pretend and be fake it for years
They can go more far than that , we have to stop ourselves sometimes and step back and watch but one important message I want to share .
Scan me
We all are not perfect and there is no one who is red flag free , but one flag should never been missing
It’s the Morals
And this is connected to us as we choose who to talk and deal with and I learned one important lesson
Never lower your standard to anyone for no matter what reason . As trust me if we are communicating with same standard of people the red flags won’t be much and for sure the morals would be a red a line .
Advice of the day : who lied once will lie always who betrayed once will betray always . Never give who betrayed another chance as this will be another bullet to be shot at you .
And the scary surviving once are the once who get up after the second attempt . As these type of people are what we should learn from. hm
Truth opposite Reality

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