It’s inspired by the movie ( the Crow)
Before you continue ! Please know my scripts and my blogs do not contain any threats the 2 mentioned words in the poster , and i do not advice you to continue if you are one of them . Its a positive message to those who are lost and to those who needs guides . My scripts are all supported with the truth and attached with real life time evidence. And not a challenge or comparison zone or a computation . It’s a freedom & as I am writing I am still in teasearch in every detail . It’s offering free help .and about a personal prospectives that been adjusted after the wounded worrier made here . You are welcome to speak and debate anything and if you have a convincing prospective I will be happy to change mine or anything I wrote or painted or created , to make it a better message for others that last and has no expiry .
It’s about we , us , and the universe
We are born with a brain and it’s something that we born with regardless what blood or womb we from , and regardless what is built in is false or right . There is one thing we should never doubt and should be common human thing .
Sending positive entry to the world
It’s a simple formula I believe or a simple built in prospective or call it humanity : ( Do not the tabu that you do not want it to be done to you )
The tiny line that determines identity
If I have put the word TABU right , ( I doubt ) it’s a heavy thing it’s like the fear we have from death , but this like bigger than word to do scribe like nuke a Hiroshima Bomb on a small tiny home for whatever reason .
A home that was built far away , far from any natural disasters or any man made once , up in the mountain fenced and safe by itself and with an white flag on it .
It’s for you to imagine whatever at that very moment or what was the reason , but that nuke that you knew well it’s bigger than that tiny peaceful home and still nuked it 1million time and still did not even feel regret at a moment of grief or hate or lack of morals or what what .
Do you think you yourself can go and check what damage was done ? Even after years ?
That’s not something we say sorry about or ask forgiveness or fix another home for another people , but what ever souls and creature , plants and energies , life , and sun , water and air where living there in peace thinking they protected and by themselves , do you think they are nuked and vanished ?
And you can turn back to base and say mission accomplished? and get paid or get pleasured temporarily or satisfied self or others .
Do you believe you can forever sleep in peace and like nothing has happened ?
There is a higher source and a universe , a reason for everything, there is the soil , there is earth and there is souls .
Think again .
Our entire life is a blink make sure when the eyes open after the blink , wont be into the scariest fear and Darkness that has no end .
Rip / Tribute for my late sister . And a positive message for those who have the option to nuke any home , to nuke any heart , or to nuke any life , do not do what you do not want to be done to you or loved once .
Truth Opposite Reality ( from chapter Identity )
It’s not what they have built it it’s about what package we come with
The last Expressionist