Daily writing prompt
What positive emotion do you feel most often?

Emotions! I
This is one English word that got me life time confused and whoever came across my life , called me emotional , some they said am too emotional , others said emotions should be aside , and the rest called it wrong to be emotional till I stopped explaining how everything in the planet is emotions . and reached to level keep it to myself and creating art out of it , and that’s what I always say Abstract painting is rooted but overall it’s something emotional converted
so I been converting emotions for a very long time .
I never met anyone that stood beside me in my prospective on this word not even family , and I had to to translate and define as English is not my first language and that several times and yea emotions is everything on this planet .
but why people use to point on me with it , and made it look like my weakness all along …:
ok am facing challenges now typing as am doing it on browser and when I to the main Jetpack I could not see this question and I have to continue this .
now going back to the question right ? What positive emotions you feel most often !!
I am sure whoever behind this question will also not agree with what am saying but , positive emotions are only 1 ok ? And emotions it self is split into 2
the positive one and the dead one I call it .
what is emotions ?
I have no problems to you all to Disagree and very open to discuss this further as it’s been my topic and problems and challenges with other about this word .
ok last month listen to this .
I was watching news ( and I heard in the parliament , they were like voting and I heard the word Emotions !!! )
and not to go deeper ( Reyes less what parliament and what country) this specific word should be at any stage used on politics . End here .
now what positive emotion I feel most looks like we have a lot of options to choose from .
emotions is heart and brain heart first ( so you want to tell me that if your heart is sick or broken or grieving you still can find positive emotions to pick from and tell the question maker ?
again emotions defined by me personally ok ? As artist it’s either positive or negative
and if it’s negative there is no way you find positive and if it’s positive eveything is positive ( and because perfection doesn’t exist for us to live an Immortal life , the positive emotion is limited and the negative one is forever .
forgive my broken English and using a browser where am confused finding what want , but you may not agree first or not agree at all , but that’s the prospective that been rejected all my life by others and as am writing this , the heart is emotions and my heart is emotions and my brain and soul attached . And the heart is everything and emotions is all about . I am leaving it here , and I may be all along wrong but I can assure you that ( I do not change and may die with this prospective only )
