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The only one time Fair judgment I got was in Fiji Islands

Writer's picture: Planet OnePlanet One

We get what we deserve always

From the trie life event series of most boring short stories . ( truth opposite Reality )

This is a short thank you , and short message who doubt justice or for the stories that comes out of this island ( that the law is 200 percent with the local and 300 percent with the locale female , and this for sure I personally must write this as it happened to me .

Last but not the least and since am leaving the place I stayed for 5 years I wanted to deliver a message to the world and a thank you to the justice I got from this beautiful island.

In my entire life , I never entered a court or faced justice , as I always believed that there is no justice in this world , and till this happened to me , and I am taking the chance to express how I appreciate this before I take off this beautiful island .

It was a situation where any human fall into a mistake . And am not going to speak a lot about this or details as it is not worth talking about , just a mistake I have done not knowing or not believing that narcissism exist , but it was not only that , it was a social story of a broken girl I met on on the 31 and had a one night stand with , that turned later to a marriage to find out this person is mentally not stable that cheats on daily bases lies and with many . And regardless the sexual and a cyber skills that I discovered later , that women who was the wife tried to hide a story of a child that is not mine just to pull more money and keep sleeping around and with low grade people and anyone . ( ending it here as it’s not the topic right now )

It took me not long to discover this sneaky cheating sick partner , till this partner started gossip and fight me in my back while am payer her and her people spurn-ding her , while she was trying to bully and show that even the law is her , like for example to renew a husband visa I had to make a payment or buy a phone and ext ( sick )

Till the day I found peace away with educated partner who also holding an executive position that matches my skills and thinking .

And after like a year drama , on the 31 /08/ 2020 signed off the divorce and payed her a decent amount for her to also sign and we move on .

And one day I got a new job and was like stable and in a great place , she started to contact behind seen and creat drama out of discrimination mentality hate and cold depending person while I was paying even I left .

And I get to find out this ex had also shamed and shared stories against the partner I was working with . And here I had only one action to do is to meet her and ask what’s her issue .

And yeah she was very aggressive and she attacked physically where I just had to leave the place that am paying for before this end up twisted .

Short story long

I filed the divorce and the domestic violence against her and skipped the story of having a child from another local guy want to hang it on me .

I kept supporting and pay her so she can look after the child as a contribution from my heart , and as I saw this person has no education or job but this from man to man story and who pays .

So the next day I had a call from my boss asking me to resign because he believed a story she wrote him while on the same day she wrote me a love letter .

Here yes I did apply for the domestic violence and she signed the divorce but I self was never expecting a win or justice as her discrimination acts and the narcissistic actions of her where type A and amber heard is nothing informs of this messed up broken child .

And boom

What I didn’t extrovert happened and I was judged right and I got justice .

Truth be Realty

And I always tell friends that story that I will take with me to tell the world about this beautiful island with the justice and law at its best and where only fairness as result, and what that women was creating in my mind , was all wrong and the negative was only her and not the people and not the law .

By the way am typing this while am on my way to the airport , I just want to write about while am still on this beautiful soul . Later on when I reach my destination I will share more details about that are exiting .

But the moral of the story and my message here is :

1 forgive my rush and broken usual English , but this is a message to all the world and to the people who have heard another stories about this beautiful island .

Our fingers are not same , and ever nation has the bad guys and the good guys and we can not judge just because we had one narcissistic child of sin but the look bigger and see what was the reason and how you where judged . And again I never ever thought I would be granted and I never ever thought justice exist .

And yes it exists and this is a true story with evidence and proof and honesty as I always write .

I will do another detailed write about the nature , the people and the culture as portfolio online and as a person who lived her for 6 years .

I love you guys and I love Fiji time for the next adventure and it’s a surprise destination, I will reveal soon . Stay tuned stay positive and rest assure the universe always at your back if you have the honest good heart and never judge something you never tried .

Any experience we go through good or bad is meant to be there and if I did not meet that low vibe and energy lust child , I would have still in mind the idea of no justice . Prospective always need to be adjusted . And we have to always make room for change regarding how we see things and what was set in our brains from childhood .

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