What’s the first impression you want to give people?
That Quickly turns to an Expression
But a negative expressions in their perspectives and their judgmental mind set .
Most of the time , it becomes even a competition
Sometimes hate
It’s the truth
And only the truth that turn the word impression to expression
It’s a world of illusion
Where know one knows what’s going really on , but one thing death
So mostly my hard work on creating a good impression 92-% failed
I mean that’s something
I tried best to polish it
, accept it
And Sometime , I get upset when I fail in presenting the good impression .
Sometimes I doubted myself about .
So I am now writing to express not impress and I think it’s working better ( I always say it’s mental not material )
( forgive the broken English , one day it will be fixed )
Humans normally like to give different types of impressions to each other depending on the situation and their goals. Some common types :
Jude too quick and judge wrongly
And will take them a while to discover , that they Judged me wrong ,
by then damage already has happened and the honest soul had left and left us sometimes with regret that stays inside .
I wanted always the show a friendly one , like really friendly
Regardless of how humans treat each other .
You will be judged according your passport and your religion , color and your accent , mean while they do not know that arts has no religion no color and no discrimination
I was discriminated to the bone but my choice of a life partner not understanding why ?
What do I do differently that much , that makes someone to break a story and a family and use phrases like foreigner or whatever
I can tell what differently I do that some people and I said here some , have this extreme behaviors that even there partner they can discriminate and can sink a ship
It’s knowledge and education
That makes us know the value of each other and the end
The end that we all going straight to the same place , ( unless you guys know something I do-not )
I personally a word foreigner
Never Used in any of my days alive
But I reach to a level where I questioned the friendly virgin of mine , let’s define it
Friendly: People who want to establish rapport, likability, and trust with others may try to give a friendly impression. They may do this by smiling, making eye contact, using humor, and showing interest and empathy in others. They may also share some personal information, ask open-ended questions, and give compliments. A friendly impression can help people make friends, build relationships, and create a positive atmosphere¹².
Well that’s not what I have achieved
But the opposite , and most of the times it was due my strong presence of speaking up the truth with no fear , ending up the bad ass or whatever they decide to describe .
Until one last career job I did
Where I believed so much on the match between me and the ceo
I felt am even lucky and worked hard and harder
Until I found out it’s was a lie yes
A ceo lied
And here I had to end a career
Close Al topic from before
And be who I am and I want to be no matter how hard it will be
I knew and I had the signs . And here i am .
I can speak any topic
I can face anyone
I do not have to pretend what I like just because my ceo in fb or whatever platform .
And am on this path right now
So I kinda start enjoy it and stopped worrying about how others see me , but how I impress myself and how to make the magic .
Impressing self , especially an artist and a perfectionist, that’s way more elite hard than anything else ,
resilience and braveness is what gets us through not to the other side
( but where the crows can not reach )

The only sunflower I ever touched or had .
The once I wanted to give a first nice impression
For example :
Was a friend who pretended to be nice but end up the back stab
A partner who chaired and nearly killed themselves, and played a role for years ( was only a titanic seen for a hidden agenda ) end up like the above friend ( who bak stabbed) and with down statement against ( agains something called vows )
Or a boss who had no clue abusing his power , and discriminated me just to protect his monkey business .
The message & Advice
For those who think it’s all the first impression and it’s all about .
I advice
Do not even think or prepare a plan to do a first impression unless yourself .
( Come as you are ) what is yours is yours and who you are is no carbon copy for , try and bring out all what you have our .
I did since June till now what I didn’t do and achieve in a creed of 20 years
Yes I can prove it .
The enemy is not knowing
And it’s fear
Fear .

The Truth Opposite Reality
Hicham Mneimne