What’s something you believe everyone should know.
With.a V = it’s confidence and certainty
Until now nothing but a belief yeah a lot
In France they say
Bonjour Tout le Monde ( Good Morning CreatureS or world ) hope your day was positive .
To my followers I love you , be careful you believe and trying to change the way we think is possible .
Todays pick
Friedrich von Schiller kept rotten apples in his desk, claiming he needed the scent of their decay to help him write. Edith Sitwell reportedly liked to lie in an open coffin before she began her day’s writing. John Steinbeck used 300 pencils to write East of Eden and was known to use up to 60 pencils in a day. MAKES LOTS OF SENCE ( I consume mentos and color markers )
What’s something you believe everyone should know
Something !
When it comes to my personal answer , I would require a change of a letter in the word BELIEVE , and swap the V with F .
Many things I belief others should know , and am here for that propose from an experience of down down. To up up and down down and repeat.
if I believe and have to answer,
It means am sitting on high ranked religius position , spreading certainty and will be informing or re-in forcing a believe that was already enforced from 1 – 7 years while we do not even know y .
Do you know why ?
Let me share what I belief younger humans the following :
– Mid age is not 50 it’s 25
– Once you believe you are set in a cage
– the word love is actually a negative word that is combined of Karma and illusion
– life doesn’t start at 40
– Narcissistic Mothers exists
– even religion evolves
– bad habits can delay progress
– whatever the result is you have achieved or did not is still the same end .
-if you do not value time life will pass you while you still at the same place
– Behind every successful man there is a women ( negative one or a good one ) both ways she is still a reason for man’s success .
– Men feeling in love is way stronger than women love ( I never heard a women got a heart attack ) did you ?
-dog tail remains curved even you mold it straight for years. ( once a cheat always one )
– the way we think can be changed
And finally no one landed on the moon ok ?
I belief in the above point and do not believe in anything bout certainty of powerful spirits combined and formed as GODS
Forgive my broken English let’s do reality answer in a good English way
The believe
Unknown Author ✍️
One thing I believe everyone should know is the importance of empathy. Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others, and it plays a crucial role in fostering understanding, compassion, and positive relationships. By putting ourselves in someone else’s shoes, we can gain a deeper understanding of their experiences, perspectives, and emotions.
This understanding allows us to treat others with kindness, respect, and fairness.
Empathy helps bridge divides, promotes inclusivity, and cultivates a sense of unity among diverse individuals and communities. It is a fundamental skill that can greatly enhance our personal and professional lives, as well as contribute to a more harmonious and empathetic society as a whole.
Hicham Mneimne