What’s your favorite word?
If you know anyone or this matters to you #stopzredhand
My favorite word is the truth and nothing can change that .
Regardless how my words created enemies and haters
And with all the bumps and obstacles created by keeping THE TRUTH as my favorite it makes me more stronger to reach to my goals and uncover the truth .
Child abuse is one of the main truth I want to address , as it happened to me , saw it happening , saw the cause of it , lived in it , investigated it , and will never stop addressing it till this matter is properly addressed , and found solutions for it
Everyday we sleep over this matter is another day a child abused who had nothing to do with anything humans going through .
Am having goose bumps typing this , but do you know what does it me 58% are female children under 12 years old ( as latest statistics) means ?
Short from my heart ( we are messing with believes all of them ) there is no man on earth Alice from a womb of a male ( Maby few I Donot count man who deliver ) but imagine after 5 years and 10 years what type of population would it be …
And from my prospective some cases there are man made in porpoise for their own greed and selfish behaviors or for drug reasons and addictions ( sexual , money , power ect ) these few individuals that I am writing here and I am alive to fight till end about a truth no one can tell but ( THE TRUTH OPPOSITE REALITY ) will and threw this Writing app that I believe there will be punishment for whoever was involved in this crime of killing the beautiful souls . I promise you this . Truth till death my favorite .
This is for 2 lost souls 2 beutiful girls exists before a story fight for 2 that will save millions beautiful female souls . In Trust I Trust and victory shall be the end .
By truth opposite Reality
To be continued . To be addressed and win the battle . For the girls been abused . Hm