The boring stories that will be left for the world to learn from as these boring stories may help someone life .

It’s all about the blindfold and someone to help you see
The real time proof
A small real time original example
The above text , it’s not fabricated but true real time proof ( Facebook post by a sociopath Narcissist ) , and it’s a very small example on how far they would go defaming you in a public post , meanwhile whatever words are in that post of lies is exactly what has happened and that’s how they turn it on you and make you question yourself and doubt on even the evidence you have and can lead you to rethink and feel guilt . Meanwhile yeah they cheated , there fb was 5k the busiest , and yes they can do more , every part gets more shocking as these type of people can do what a normal mind can not take .
Coming soon / what no one dare to point at / raw brutal truth I’m every detail
But here is an advice for those facing these type of low vibes people and lack of morals , do not continue no matter what connects as by time , this above words and above attitude will continue and as long as it continues as long you are loosing yourself and loosing the self worth .
Some people think if they prove them wrong will feed the ego or may change the situation or change the sociopathic beast .
And here let me tell you something . Do not even try

Painting themselves
Cause it will only effect you as even second you stay after such attitude know that it’s only effecting you , catching them right handed won’t change them but delay their next move and till you find out that you should have gone that very first time , you already lost all your energy and you need to be braver than the word brave to recover from such demons in human figures .
The whole world never accepted this until we all saw the court case of Johnny Depp and Amber Heard where she was accusing on the opposite truth . And till we all saw that , then we could a bit identify but to me this should be a crime , the sociopath narcissist are not born this way but created from a low vibrational childhood and broken families , and they should not be in public but in a mental health center as keeping them among us , and declaring it as crime in legal cases , will only creat another them as they thrive to creat copies of their demon self .
Truth opposite Reality
Then short boring message here is : to reach to that stage of defaming text means , you have been passing the red flags and not even feeling it and you should stop right there and connect for help . I can help for free . As if you Donot then blame yourself when you get to the cliff with no options . Hm
From Trust opposite Reality
To be continued …