What are your favorite websites?
If you still do not know I will repeat . It’s here it’s word press
Hello planet beasts
Respect and love to my followers I hope that you getting closer to see that the reality is not the truth but the opposite .
But first I want to share this as I only discovered this before even seeing it on Google and this tells you one thing
11 Things No One Tells You About Being a Writer
You’ll turn into a hermit. …
Inspiration hits at the craziest times. …
Deadlines are your greatest motivation. …
It’s feast or famine. …
Writer’s block doesn’t exist. …
You’ll get burned out. …
You must write everyday. …
You must read everyday.
This is Writer’s block doesn’t exist. … something that awaking , so
I have discovered recent past something very interesting
Actually 2 things
1 I will speak about and one will write and will not type it .
It’s about writing ✍️ and typing
I have been typing and draft posts are a lot , and as you see the past 2 days I did not post anything .
I thought of something .
Do you remember when they said the internet will cut sometime in October or November?
This did not happen
But what if ?
I am now worried about all what I wrote regardless it’s a page on fb i have my paintings on .
Or a blog I purchased till next year
Or a certain that words peer has a 10 years plan .
But here comes the question and the fact
If I do not believe in believing and belief anything can happen
So what if ?
I did a career for 22 years and it’s something no one can take it away from me , as I can demonstrate it.
But how will I demonstrate that specific feelings and emotions I have used time alor of time , and energy in it , to sudden crises where I wake up
And data pages , words , are gone ?
How would I feel that day ?
Yes what if I had no plans before and was lost and found word press the getaway and I invested my soul my heart and feelings in it ( it was very helpful and I love to be here and love WordPress ) but if this happened to me and I can not see what I did ( might be small to you ) but what I did was saving life’s and my own included .
And yet I have to worry about that one day , a virus or a cyber attack , from beasts fighting outside , and I loose all . That is something that stopped me the past days from typing and am very concerned as I have lots of plans I have not even fully started it .
I may write and post screen shots or I may take another steps but this time whatever I am doing it will never fade
It will never be connected to something that may go off
It’s a legacy that I won’t allow it to be in a place without continuity plan
Wordless is a great helpful place that I love truly and I had more followers and likes than I ever had anywhere else, that’s the place that showed me more skills I have and can use , a place I didn’t feel discriminated(yet)
But I can not fully give all if I do not guarantee the next 100 years for every line i type .
I will get back to you on this .
End of 1 discovery and the second one is a bit of breaking my own rule
I will be writing about the Gods as I also discovered something , that may put you in a place of seeing yourself seeing them and seeing the gods .
As for now the wish you peace in your heart and breath .
Time is the most valuable thing on planet beasts .
Forgive my broken English but it’s improving and I won’t allow it to be fully perfect .
Hicham Mneimne
The Truth Opposite Reality
