What could you do more of?
Hello again and again and hope you all and who read my last post and reading this are believing that best place to be is where you are right now .
✍️ let’s pretend writing ok
( did you know that now the world has covid 19 nasal drops or something ?)
Now I think
I am still on the same vibes from the earlier respond which can eventually be an answer to this too ( it’s the same )
You do more of or not !
I did gave a lot of energy care and love and all I had that I forgot me , yes one time in my life , and ended up the bad guy with a nearly deportation . ( was married across the borders )
I had a lot of worries , losses and clashes to protect a female child of mine , and I was always wrong . that I even lost …
The child was taken by her mother ( can not judge her ) but the child dumped somewhere away from the father ( for few month it was meters only )
which the father was trying and trying and got nothing but a loss and a reputation created and a time frame to evacuate the whole county , and do you really want me to think even an inch that there is something I should have done more ?
Oh yeah I should have think the the one you give all your self and everything are the once that betray you . But that’s the case here as it depends on your
Yea you reader prospective
Who do you think lost here ?
This is just one case of a million I have witness , that I myself in certain situations , had no more voice or options , opinions or choice to ask , fearing that I’ll be wrong again . But no matter what it is that I was lack of
Do you think leaving a 3 years old child somewhere in a family busy house and I as mother go to work and then what what . And come back whatever time ? For what ? do you want to still ask me what I should have done more ?
Yes increase brain cells or die and come back after meeting someone from the other side .
( this is not but a true story that happened long ago and am sure happening somewhere )
This alone just right gave us an answer for example .
Research it looks I was wrong in some situations but my beliefs before was , ( you get married to a partner not someone turns enemy , and even if , there is red lines )
The other believe you married across the border the married your country and you married to theirs .
The person you marry won’t take your child away and go for another person for example or a reason .
And let’s say finally ( the one we married we Donot defame or back stab to loose his power and jobs )
The list long
And that’s only a case of relationship .
And of course saying nothing at all ( I meant the opposite )
Personally I believe after all this down up and up down till 42 , and here am not talking in general . As each and everyone of us knows well what should have been done more of .
1- Discipline ( doesn’t mean that I was gangster ) no but for example and regardless any religion as am not a fan of , but I see in fasting discipline that I never did in my life not even a day .
2- Reading & Researching more and wear a yellow prospectives and that’s it . As I thought people think like I think and if I do not harm them they won’t harm me .
( that’s dump ) as trust me , u can be sitting in a hotel for a week by yourself and people around will be questioning what you up to and what dark side you are , meanwhile you are just by self writing on word press and trying to educate yourself rather than looking at other what they doing .
3- but you want the harsh truth ?
What I really should have done more of ? Or could ?
Be heartless , be like all the people I met , who can be having a drink with you now and texting against you to others . And as much as this number increase as much people like me will always want to seek truth and investigate and research .
And this goes to all topics as everything is evolving and nothing remains same .
But now final read on what I said I really believe that nothing should have been done more , as believers would say ( god did )
And the non believers would say ( it’s all the same )
And between this 2 lines there 100 prospective that if you want to research all till you find the truth ( that you may not )
You lost the very little time you have on earth rather than spending it with loved once .
Think again !

Just remember ! not a dot or a single letter in my page is nothing but the truth .
And I will remain your true story teller I may evolve your prospective while evolving mine . Am doing this with you and please free free to stop me and say no ( that’s wrong )
Anything please share we doing this together . And here there is no religion and no politics in my space you can talk anything and say anything that is inside you .
But again on the other hand I can just stop writing or stop whatever am doing like I did 6 month earlier and just look for what makes me happy beside the loved once left . As this may also cause time loss and overthinking forgetting that 2022 to 2024 was like a tequila shot .
Smile be happy no matter how bad it is and if you do not find happiness find an Autism friend .
But one thing I know in writing here . People around here are different and as long as am alive I’ll write once you Donot see my broken English for 3 days know that I am researching on the other side . Forgive my broken English and forgive yourself for doing to yourself . And just look at how time is flying .
I love you all and love will never turn to diesel that used for tanks to destroy .
The EnD am going to sleep .