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In the twilight realms where reality dances with dreams, DADA emerges as an enigma of surreal fashion and art. Beyond the mundane, we transcend into a universe where the fantastical whispers secrets through every stitch and brushstroke. Here, the ordinary dissolves into extraordinary, and the lines between imagination and reality blur into a symphony of creativity.

With each creation, DADA weaves a tale of wonder and curiosity, inviting you to explore the shadowed corners of artistry and fashion. Our designs are not mere garments but portals to a world where the unknown beckons and every piece holds a story waiting to be unveiled. Step into the mystique of DADA and let your style become a canvas for the extraordinary.

Seeker of Stars:

Beneath celestial canopies, I ponder existence. The Milky Way whispers secrets, and meteor showers ignite my wonder. I seek solace in the vastness, knowing that my atoms once danced in distant supernovae



In the forge of possibility, where dreams and reality entwine, We wield our pens as architects, crafting a destiny divine. The blueprint etched upon our hearts, a vision bold and clear, For in the ink-stained lines, the future’s whispers we hear.

Genuinely, we weave the strands of innovation’s tapestry, Stitching hope into the fabric of what is yet to be.

We sketch with courage, brushstrokes of resilience, Painting sunrises on canvas, defying all indifference. For the future isn’t forged in sterile steel and chrome, But in the fire of authenticity, where hearts find home.

So let us design with purpose, fueled by empathy’s flame, Blueprints of compassion, etching kindness as our name. And when the dawn breaks, and the horizon gleams anew, May our legacy echo: “We designed the future true

Nothing ! All On Research 📌 shortest boring story

Writer's picture: Planet OnePlanet One
What aspects of your cultural heritage are you most proud of or interested in?

Greetings my fellow artists

Today and for the first time since I started writing ( the title is correct and not to attract readers )

Let’s start and I’ll do best to make it short and a positive message for others :

The word proud


Feeling good about our own ethnic traditions, appearance, language, history and cultural contributions is important. It’s also important to honor the diversity of people from all backgrounds and traditions.

( I do not have this feeling )

Define : culture and Heritage

Cultural heritage includes: cultures, customs, beliefs, rites, rituals, ceremonies, indigenous knowledge, social customs and traditions, arts, crafts, music, political and ideological beliefs that influence culture and behavior, history, practices concerning the natural environment, religious and scientific traditions, …

( I do not have these either ! )

And what I know is little only and here am not being negative or stress out no but exited to know and research and to leave it for public to use for free .

And at the same time every letter I type here is nothing but the truth .

And there is nothing wrong to a knowledge mistakes and try to adjust right certain prospectives ?

Rather than being mentally sick (hiding in my shell ) or keeping all inside ,

This will only harm me and others if I do not speak out and about , if I do not do my research the right way I won’t have the right answers ! On what went wrong and where did I do the mistakes what all this is connected too .

All my life time I called my self an artist ( culinary artist or artist or what what )

but to know what type of an artist I am ( took me life time mistakes and only through constant research and understanding and the will in knowing and digging deep )

2 month on google !!

and this had brought to minimum 10 different types of art I do !! And skilled with

I did not know that ?

I did not know that!!!

Expressionism arts is rooted to the following :

  1. Abstract Expressionism.

  2. Avant Garde.

  3. Bauhaus.

  4. Conceptual Art.

  5. Constructivism Art.

  6. Cubism.

  7. Dadaism.

  8. De Stijl.

The interview

All above I have the skill to do !

Can you imagine how much time was waisted ?

It took 2 month only research online , and all these skills the eventually if it was started right way , with fully understanding, trust me I would have been perfection the word itself by now or at my 30th !!!

There is regret yes ( time is the most expensive and most important word in life , that it never moves back !!! But closer to the end !

Why I did not know ? And why took me so long ?

But first

If you realized or those who follow me , I know about a lot but only half way just like my broken English .

Confirming it as halfway ?

This is due the life disappointments and challenges

One of the reasons I started write and express myself more , with no fear of judgement,

And this was only July 1 2023 ( as before I had to be very careful what I say , what I do , how to resign , how to react , how to pretend , how to hide if I want to get drunk , how to talk to even post on fb ect , and most disturbing how not to react to attacks ! ( regardless some people see me as monster look but I was raised to only protect myself and never attack ) and if attacked let go !!!!

Attack here is not fight ( it’s like an oppressive situation or unfair treatment ) I still could not do what I think should be done .

Start writing ✍️

That I reached to a level of accepting an extreme discrimination by a general manager just because I won the position among 12 and got the job , and am not from any side he is close to !! Sea or even air !! .

Imagine the Executive Expat Chef for a 6 star property feeling scared to even interact with clients as constantly the gm was making illusions and I had to live in it and be quite cause the pay was huge ? !! And this story was an epic test I’ll share soon .

Yes one of a 100 example I faced during a career that is not mine and due a prospective that I rebuke now and made a revolution on and I do not care what I have to quit or what I should cut out , I knew I deserve better .


What if I tell you my very first prospective is : if you are white , black , yellow , green , Muslim , Hindu , buds , Jewish , even non believe ( you are same as me and same as all and we are all humans !!

Yes yes , but no !!! That’s not how life is ! And that’s only a 1 example .

But no not this time !

{did you know I wanted to work on my broken English ? Till I found out 2 things that change

My mum asked me if am satanist when I just refused to continue !!

Others asked if I take drugs !!!

Just because I found out who am I and I want to question and research a lot of and can not even garantee you a research result unless it’s done that nothing left in that research toipc that was not brought on paper for us and you to judge .

Learning how to judge and understanding of evolved research is overthinking

Evolve is not change !

Evolve is only to better and a change can be like than one change one person I know spoke about and it was nothing but change to evil . !!

Everything we have the right 2 doubt and question and without a proper knowledge and proper read , we all will still be confused

( but tell me something , can you imagine the world is one nation ? One believe one god and one police station and one government ?

(Did you know 14-15 percent )of the total surface of the planet occupied by humans only is not that wired !

( I just asked Siri and that was the answer ) I never knew that before and I always had the feel we are a-lot and crowded and created climate change .

Well someone should control this 14 percent and that should not be a difficult task no ?

But why there is climate change and people fighting for territories ?

Start writing ✍️

Back to the identity Research and the revolution

This revolution Happened only in my case when lost it all in one shot ( full house whatever was costly and expensive and the illusion of untouchable ( was actually worth a 20$ )

. So I did what I was always was scared of and what what always was holding me back .

and here I am few month only (2 month exactly ) after this move , have no fear of anything and ready to face anyone and any situation face to face and ask why !?

I was not born to live and work and die or work for only eat or help others . ( I did that and made no difference )

Blue Light Research

Research that covers the answer like the blue light that catches even a hair and make it seen

Start writing ✍️

and put the truth in-front of those blinded before the delay and believe the illusions , that the fake and the false can paint around us .

This is not to down talks a career , this is a self discovery as I know many that are doing jobs they do not even know that are good at something else .

This revolution is stopped put blames on self or a situation before I prove it to myself first it was me , and not what small mind sociopath personalities make it look like or lack of certain knowledge .

Short look back how I left many jobs and how I just could not fit in

For example

A career anyone can join !

A career where you meet a new boss for example ( was an experience as Army general somewhere rather than a general manager from a hospitality !!

The who has no clue whether restaurant is a public area ( for housekeeping ) or kitchen and asked me to bring stewards and clean the restaurant and lobby !!!

A career where you see a Finance manager from a cell phone industry ( or a foment first got a position of Finance manager or A CFO at a hotel or food and beverage outlets !!!

I met one and trust me he’s is the most creative person in putting an idea on the table that can shut down your company in a short period . Yeah

with ( finance !!!! Ego too

Or HR Human Resources who meets an expat first day and tells him what she did with a guy who did not come after sending ticket , and how epic she was able to chase and made him loose 2 other jobs ( was a message to me Maby ) not only that she did while she could not even make an expat contract proper that found herself I can resign within a month with no penalties and here this dark soul decided to lock me and my family with no passport and life promisising to pay and last day t

Straight to airport with police guy and a 100& bill !!! While 4k was swallow and not only that , she chaises me in Fiji

A career that anyone ( can be uneducated and jobless person ) can send an email or make a call and make you either loose your job or damage a name of 22 years

The last 2 incidents I had

That’s one of the reasons during the famous e TOP CHEF show I refused to give up my knives and from there ( the truth opposite Reality started )

As what they showed about me was not the truth was according to an agenda they have and I still remember where the boss producer came and lied to me just to speak to the judges . And you know why ?

Cause they did all they can to defeat me and made me lead the team and they failed !! And I am the only chef that left top chef because a physical assault ( not true ) but at least I did not allow them to mess with my name , and if you want the go and check , you will see that my 4 episodes only in season one are payed I can not even watch them free … does it make sense ?

And the best part of the story was ( your country is small no voting so x country will win because the voting is big )

So the judges where not judging but liaising to a person in control .

So the truth is not the reality they show and tell you about .

Boom the last and the least !

When I thought I found the perfect boss and my life will be organized , invested in this job and yet the person was only a bag of lies that I could Maby expect that from a family member but not from a rich and educated ceo to be fake and lie and turn 360 .



And once I started writing ! And to be honest it’s different feel , am not talking of wordpress itself am talking of writing and expressing

Start writing ✍️

( different people here )

But also I even got more likes the first month I started and follows than I ever had in my entire media presences before .

Yes I did retire due the above 2 stories ! And quit the hospitality career but this was the only good choice I did for very long time .

As I refused to Continue to be controlled , oppressed , and pressured thinking that this is what I was born for .

And when I started this journey researching the small things , I found out , some reasons why it took me 26 hours to answer this prompt

Why ?

To respond to the prompt this way :

I was born in a place stayed for 5 years , then moved to another place that I suppose to hold the nationality from , and belong for another 5 years . And then moved again to another place , totally opposite of both beginning places . And for 10 years .

Then I was brought back to where I suppose to belong and I didnot for another 3 years and from there I started travel for work and career and lost all identity and all these culture religion whatsoever .

Yes true story

But what is more to question is

Start writing ✍️


I know the German history more than the country I hold a passport from ! Believe !

I know about heritage and culture of Africa more than the country I suppose to belong .

My beliefs I doubt at this point and we will research it together

If we do good to others doesn’t mean they will return the hood back to us ! ( I use to think no way they would betray ) biggest shocks here ect .

So guys not to go longer on this as it’s the topic of life and may be the life of many others

2023 made me like millions start research everything as everything is evolving and forgive me to say ;

Even religion is evolving which makes my task harder but I have started .

The Research is not to prove the wrong is what cause the wrong and how to continue surviving in an evolving universe.

Am not going to apologize again about my broken English , as I found out this app can fix this while I was trying to improve .

End writing ✍️

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