Are you superstitious?
superstitions, can influence your life, decisions, and interactions with the world around you. You could explore specific superstitions you adhere to, role, and how your beliefs in superstitions have shaped your perspectives and behaviors over time. This could provide readers with insight into your personal beliefs and experiences.(Ai)
Does this makes sense to you ?( me )
Superstitions have been a significant part of people life for as long as I can remember. From avoiding walking under ladders to Friday the 13 ! No ?? But these beliefs have woven themselves into the fabric of my daily routines and decisions. Ai
Yes ,to some certain time I was until I quit just like I quite my career . Ai

The Handbook
Above was AI write but Now is my expressions and my english
Life is short and you are going to die anyway , so why not break the spell ? ( me )
The fears and Worries ,
fears that made us stuck or made us deal with low vibrations or low standards , made us take wrong actions and created hate in our hearts and decide us . (Me )
where we have reached ?
Because of our Superstitionsand beliefs which someone else has placed it inside our heads !
For instance,
tow nations threaten. Each other with nukes
The discriminations levels we reached
Or humans now throw food from the air for another humans down there ( or nation to nation no? ) noooooo it’s not nation to nation it’s beliefs and superstitions throwing the food to humans no ?
Or the belief that says only this nation and this race will see heaven and all the rest to hell !!!!
And here the world got lost , divided confused.
leave the world movie behind made the people busy and want to start hide while we all are prisoners already . Me you them .
In our minds only and what was inserted once we arrive on our first tear .
Or what was made in ( Antarctica ) the Antarcticas nation behind ice wall ( imagine what we are )
So why donot you free yourself from self so you can also see yourself from distance rather than we are all in our prison fighting each others rather than looking over . Not the ice wall, but over all superstitions and agree on one only :
You are going to die anyway
Believe you , I and them should believe on . Pasta !Or Basta ?
Let’s enjoy the moment do what makes us happy beside our loved once and let’s try always to find joy in everything small we are leaving soon .
Write broken English for example And be happy about it . Like your own posts , smile to the first person you see , give a hug to someone meds call your mum your dad your family , have a drink , go outside breath .
We have a choice now as in now not tomorrow
Tomorrow is Wednesday the 13 and all of us will be happy and someone will hug us and the weather will be nice , and we will have the job dreamed about our dream and our wish . Yes tomorrow . It’s opposite the Friday one 1️⃣

13 shadow of us