Tell us about the last thing you got excited about.
Talking of excitement is no different from talking or writing about motivation . Forgive my head lines and English it’s means for you to stop and read a different prospective. A free one .
If you are not motivated you won’t find any excitement for anything.
Yeah you can say when depression and anxiety hit us we will be lost in a big empty cold space , out of options and excitements and nothing motivates .
But in order for us to keep going and not give up and surrender to any life disappointments or heart breaks , we have to creat our own motivation and excitement by believing we will be better .
And I did reach to that stage many times in life and to pass these dark periods and be able to creat your own excitement , you have to understand that a hug flush if change need to be done .
A year ago my excitement was looking after a family and a child and then I have gone through loss where I had to deal with death of this excitement and at the same time a heart break from a chosen boss , and had a period of dullness and questioning what the hell has happened at once and my entire existing excitements and motivation to word my career and my personal life was gone at once .

And to be to get through these 2 life crises where prospectives was questioned . I had to creat a new excitement a new hope a new life , a new career . And so I did and here I am writing and delivering in every message a true life time experience bold for others to being it from as there a lot of us right now , are lack of motivation , excitement, and lack of hope and they for sure have not reached to the level of no hope silently .
And this has happened to one beautiful soul that no one heard her screening and no one even thought she is in the level of no hope and no excitement, fearing judgments and she just suicide in 2019 may her soul rest in peace .
If we reached to such levels where we have no motivation and excitement , we should act a bit harder than usual and quick , before this theme covers all our souls and make us decide to leave .
Am now exited about the new road I took putting all the disappearing matters and grief in the back of my head , and explore a new career and research and at the same time write my own story and creat my own new path .
For you reader and me must know and understand , out excitement and motivation is not another person that will creat it for us but us alone and no one else .
Again my message here : ( forgive my broken English ) but Life is a hard journey that we only start find about it when already the train passed us .

Live in cubism art is a mask
And last am great full for the 10 likes I had on the previous answer which motivates me to keep writing as I feel and can with no fear of grammar or paragraph faults as the message men delivered even to one . Thanks you all hoping you all find peace and harmony inside your hearts and believe that pain doesn’t last and that you deserve more . ( HM nadi )