What was the last thing you searched for online? Why were you looking for it?
To be honest as my usual way of expression, yea I did , and I use google a lot .. yeah I do
And I am impressed , as you guys know am not a writer or author but a creative expressionism artist. And with the view count since I started here . ( I needed to understand what does best view ever means ) and with less that a month , the views and likes are beyond what I expected and beyond what ever plat form I used before and no matter how many friends I had , in just a month WordPress has shocked me , and if I tell you , that I got a job from here just since 2 month believe . true story !
When I googled how to make money on word press a lot of stuff came out but one thing wanted to know , does everyone makes money here ? Or am I the lucky one who got a side job to complete an art work that will take me 3 days for 600$ wich is beautiful, I even went went live on my instagram.
But one thing I did here that I never did on other plat forms !!! It’s to try this time wrote what I think rather than say it , as saying it has out my life journey is battles , hate and competition even with people who are wealthier and more stable . That I did not even know why such people for example , the lies or being envy from a staff or manager they hired for example … ( and that’s because they could not break a soul of truth ) so battles even right now while I left that life and career of 20 years and the people where involved and still …
I will not use anymore anywhere but here , not because of a side artwork job I got , just because of the crowd that uses this plat form and the creativity and the freedoms .
And How to make a continuity plan of the next 100 years WordPress online !! That alone I been thinking of to do for self , before I read it here that WordPress is planing this , and that’s creative !! Very creative as we never know how far internet will remain or what crises may accuse or what plat forms may compete … so yea
And just today I had this topic with my partner , I was just telling her about it , and now the question is linked to this .
Since day one it was about a research and deeper search into my own prospectives , and document it .
I decided to be raw as I am in real life and type the English I know without a fear of writing protocols or high education or Harvard study , so I had no followers and I had no friends and I did not see fake people , that I know how they are in real life , did not see my formal boss who was not a fair person , didn’t see anything that use to scare me to speak up , not because self ( I never had fear saying truth ) but others and relatives and you know how things are that side , even sometimes I use write a post and alot of people feel offended ( inflowing or hating , meanwhile I never meant them but it was always the case and always about the truth I speak .
So I started free , and I did not care of people that would judge my broken English or my raw way , as the plan was not to get rich or anything material but mental , as speaking what I think caused me a life journey full of disappointments , as either people would just hate me or just judge or misunderstand while am just saying the truth and nothing negative inside or bad Intentions, and btw I was always the bad guy ( most of the time ) where I could not even understand why I was judged or hated .or even discriminated .
The message here as always : forgive the broken English , but what I want to pass through is a simple but significant message . If I had the wisdom and knowledge I had the time I decided to search which app to write and decided on WordPress , I believe also would have gotten noticed as here , but what we Donot see in life sometimes , ( of fearing other people opinions before self and self mental health . And you can be as you are anywhere and if you do it earlier than I did would be best for your own growth as people can make you feel down and sitatuations will make you feel a doubt in yourself as an entire community is against you . But it’s not end of the world remember that and as long as you are genuine and honest there is away you will be gifted what you deserve from this universe. Get up and be yourself life is shorter than a blink and we have only one life , do not leave it oppressed or with wrong prospectives or unhappy .
