If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Exact same place where am now
It’s something called the divine timing .
And for those who doubt , but one thing we humans are lack off
We pretend to be believers and that we believe ( meanwhile 90 person do not even know why they believe )
And to be grey and straight bold to ourself first before others .
This is not a write of accomplishment or brag
I have not reached yet , but I am confident on each letter , space after comma
You read in my zone , in broken English way
Is only first to document it to myself and remember that ( patience is a must and everything happens for reason )
I am not writing for any purpose but to be honest ti self and for the 40 who decided to follow me , and make sure , it’s nothing but the truth and nothing without experience o.

And nothing in this zone . Is made or written for any material but a mental heal and a legacy , that when I leave the world my brushstroke remains
an icon of art / love / and Resilience .
Hicham Mneimne