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In the twilight realms where reality dances with dreams, DADA emerges as an enigma of surreal fashion and art. Beyond the mundane, we transcend into a universe where the fantastical whispers secrets through every stitch and brushstroke. Here, the ordinary dissolves into extraordinary, and the lines between imagination and reality blur into a symphony of creativity.

With each creation, DADA weaves a tale of wonder and curiosity, inviting you to explore the shadowed corners of artistry and fashion. Our designs are not mere garments but portals to a world where the unknown beckons and every piece holds a story waiting to be unveiled. Step into the mystique of DADA and let your style become a canvas for the extraordinary.

Seeker of Stars:

Beneath celestial canopies, I ponder existence. The Milky Way whispers secrets, and meteor showers ignite my wonder. I seek solace in the vastness, knowing that my atoms once danced in distant supernovae



In the forge of possibility, where dreams and reality entwine, We wield our pens as architects, crafting a destiny divine. The blueprint etched upon our hearts, a vision bold and clear, For in the ink-stained lines, the future’s whispers we hear.

Genuinely, we weave the strands of innovation’s tapestry, Stitching hope into the fabric of what is yet to be.

We sketch with courage, brushstrokes of resilience, Painting sunrises on canvas, defying all indifference. For the future isn’t forged in sterile steel and chrome, But in the fire of authenticity, where hearts find home.

So let us design with purpose, fueled by empathy’s flame, Blueprints of compassion, etching kindness as our name. And when the dawn breaks, and the horizon gleams anew, May our legacy echo: “We designed the future true

I think I have a record here !!📌

Writer's picture: Planet OnePlanet One
Share a story about the furthest you’ve ever traveled from home.

And it’s amazing how things and prompts here connected to my energy , that it’s becoming addictive .

Let me tell you a quick boring short . sorry Qwik boring story out of 100 .

I did in one month a destination of 18000 klm can you ?

And this was done for a reason that was actually an illusion but I did that . And it’s beautifully designed and Taylor made to creat more differences .

And this started when i got from Paris to Beirut after a business collaboration of opening an educational center of culinary and during this trip I had like 4 offers , ( for those who did not read my auto bio or searched me ) i started a career education with VW in Germany ( LFZ automobile) yes believe ,

then switch to culinary arts and hospitality management( thought that was it ) and reached to management level of it for 22 years , that has become boring,, till this year where I found out, that I really do not fit in , as even any interview where coming in , my type of personality and prospective in this career changed . For example ( why 6 days a week in this job 8 to 12 ) am like did I really do that before ?

Yes I did and it was the high income and the demand before , that makes you become an alcoholic or a psycho sorry that was not the right word as psycho i and you is totally opposite definition with 1000 categories .

From the Heart , I had no options but to stand , no options but a major switch and transformation as before the disappointment I was already disappointed from another cute negative event that the last disappointment was suppose to be the continuity plan , and a life time I had option b d y g t l all , but this one was the last one as no contentious plan exist and all the coins where placed on number 30

And 30 did not come

And I needed even a lift from the casino home while the joke was waiting me to lift and place in Mongolia . .

That disappointment as a soft phrase ( as it’s mixed with all sort of heat breaks , betrays , lies etc the rest of the words are worse .

It was big in a way that I had to sit down and scroll back in my history records and I found it !!

Why was it so big on me ?

I answered : because it’s been happening all the time like a repeated cycle.

And what makes it hard then if I was in this before ?

The no continuity plan ready or even thought of .

Why ?

Because the lesson here is , no matter how much I have put imaginative prospective of meeting a soul that won’t deceive a boss that won’t change and a love that won’t fade.

And all 3 descriptors above ( good bump again ) is I do not protect and remain believing they exist ! I will end up like the father of the expressionism and won’t even try again .


So the action was faster than anything anyone as I have created another world another motivation before I give up , as the word boring will be the last you saying in the death bed .

Well I did not do it , while I should have done this long ago ,

I was forced to logically

But the greatest fears in our lives

Is the word fear itself .

So I did not fear the fear and quit what I was doing and started to bring out what was hidden aside

( was that right what I said ?)

it was a reaction to an action and during that uptill now if I tell you that there is 6000 art work that has not been on media believe and that’s what is making me fly now , as me myself was not

expecting to see all this and in every hard drive . Emails .

Yes I did know that I was piling up paintings and art work as a legacy after I leave this planet for the born children and the unborn , with a believe that artists get legacy and wealth after death .

And after this last disappointing event with a ceo I trusted more than self , I just can not want to reveal the hidden real actual oil expressionism arts and all kinds of abstracts .

Going back when I went so far and what made me fly this huge distance that Australia is more closer .

And on A day I was having a cup of coffee ( Turkish one ) an elderly friend who I connect with from time to time , asked about my next move and next offer and location .

Regardless it was not the career that had all my passion , I did hit some achievements and big numbers of income .

So I responded I have few offers but they all look alike and all places I have been before . But one it’s a place called Fiji islands , and when I read it , I never knew the distance or who is there and what type of culture but one think I knew it’s an island , that has no difference than other islands I worked before like Zanzibar and Maurice, but now right now I did a post before responding to this prompt thanking every detail in the island , as it’s just not like any island and it’s bigger than you can even imagine or even some of Fijian themselves know .

A place I call the butterfly hidden paradise . (Will write about the soil the skies and energy when I reach my destination. )

And with just moving the offers around and then blindly me and my friend chose the 3 option and it was Fiji .

And as a traveler all my life , bags always packed and ready and passports in the side bag .

And here is the shock

It was the longest flight ever and the hardest for me ( Beirut Paris is 40 mins ) Africa – Middle East like 3 hours talking from Hausa land north Nigeria to this Qatar or Dubai ( hospitality destinations ) but this was like am going yo meet god himself .

5 hours to abu dahbi and 13 hours to Hong Kong and 12 hours to Fiji islands .

Trust me if I could quit or stop this I would as it was the longest ever . But the story did not end here.

I landed and thought the hotel would be like not far away , but here it comes ) 3 extra hours inside car )

I called my friend and told him next time I see him , am paying his vacation and I’ll choose the destinations he advices and picked .

And it’s so weird how the first person I met of from place island called LAU as first person Fijian I met and today I met the last and was also from lau . ( story story )

And the best part was when I reached to the hotel , and saw that white hair boss ( I asked I have it even heard a follow up the past month from you after signing )

The epic respond came

( between I never thought you would come and I avoided to answer questions so you are welcome normally we give 48 hours rest after this 😆 and chapter 4 of truth opposite reality has started without any permission and right now I have goosebumps. As chapter 4 won’t be released unless am having wings looking at the planet .

So yeah it was Beirut Fiji destination and I did 3 times in a month time and no one is allowed to ask why till my wings grow and become tall .

Humans life is very short and I did wrote earlier posts about the wrong prospectives or wrong ideas placed on our heads from childhood or from a wrong education system , but the mid life age is not 50 it’s 20 and till you start understand you will be looking at the screen that has that moving beep till it beep once and you are gone not even understanding or even had chance to live .

Chapter 4 truth opposite a reality into

Omg check in time …

Forgive my broken English and rush , but let me tell you something , ( heard that before ?)

this app can auto correct your grammar and all ( so what is the use of us and where creativity is going ! ? I mean I’ll use it fully soon and last post if you read the beginning that was not my English . That was like good English but not me it was the app . So I’ll think of using it partly many but for sure not full as diving deep into media , I believe soon you get an app , without a tag ( creative idea generator ) and it’s coming with a chip that all of us won’t have any more creativity . Personal prospectives and on research . So once am done I will compile all in a way that may be used in the next generation as a religion since nothing would be said or written that I did not experience and tested and researched it .

Reality is so far from truth that even typing them beside each other ( truth is effected )

The 3 party and the green eye

The New Upcoming Brand

CREYIATIV MONKEE (coming soon )

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