What do you enjoy doing most in your leisure time?
Oh wait no music
But let me tell you a bad 21 days experience in a country that is on its way to be Ukraine 2
Title: A Cautionary Tale: The Dark Side of Georgia 🇬🇪 place x let’s call it .
100 usd is 260 lari ( can be lunch with wine )
People are depressed and constantly not happy and resist ( once they know you are tourist , price is x 5
The write up about a place I won’t even visit for free
In the realm of travel destinations, there exists a shadowy corner known as Place X, a cautionary tale for the intrepid traveler and prospective resident alike. This land, shrouded in a cloak of deception and discontent, holds little promise for those seeking adventure or solace.
First and foremost, Place X is a den of canny individuals, ready to exploit the unsuspecting visitor at every turn. From exorbitant prices for basic amenities to elaborate scams designed to fleece the unwary, the inhabitants of Place X have perfected the art of deception to an unsettling degree.
Moreover, the country’s allure is overshadowed by its pervasive air of boredom. With lackluster attractions and a dearth of cultural vibrancy, visitors to Place X are left wandering aimlessly through its uninspired streets, yearning for a glimpse of excitement that never materializes.
Adding insult to injury, the cost of living in Place X is nothing short of exorbitant. Sky-high prices for accommodation, dining, and transportation drain the wallets of even the most budget-conscious travelers, leaving them feeling financially depleted and disillusioned.
But perhaps the most egregious offense of all is the prevalence of axinity among the populace. Rather than embracing the joys of life and welcoming outsiders with open arms, the people of Place X exude an aura of mistrust and hostility, viewing visitors as little more than walking wallets to be emptied at will.
As a result, happiness is a rare commodity in Place X, with locals and tourists alike trapped in a cycle of dissatisfaction and discontent. From the weary expressions of street vendors to the hollow laughter echoing through its barren nightlife scene, the pervasive sense of malaise in Place X serves as a stark warning to all who dare to venture within its borders.
In conclusion, place x stands as a testament to the darker side of human nature and the pitfalls of unchecked greed and apathy. For those considering a visit or even permanent residence, heed this warning well: steer clear of Place X, lest you fall victim to its charmless facade and soul-sucking ennui.
Politic side
Oh btw it’s actually Israel , against Russia half of it and on a boiling sand .
I strongly recommend to avoid this country as in 21 days I spend more that 5 month in any other places
Georgia good luck