What daily habit do you do that improves your quality of life?
I am not going to answer it the same was I did on the first time . But this should not be here an auto generated message or a question !!! I may stop answering prompts if it’s a automated to be honest .
Why ?
In real life I do not like to do the same thing twice ! Or here I mean express the same expressions I already did ,
Now WordPress should answer me a question to question or even you as reader can first agree on @wordpresswedonotwantautoprompts
word press should hire a person real human to creat for us a daily question according his daily vibes . Ok ? Share it . It will be awesome , as when I saw this prompt at 2am last night , I was like ughh am not answering that !! But let’s write about this part :

We have one here . And anything that repeats its self I call it boring !
Talking of quality improving that also depends on how you rate your current .
And is it the material quality improvement or the mental .
And please material improvement I’ll leave that to the Automated prompt generator .
But mental quality improvement , even I did write about I will stay say and write the only one respond .
Cut your bad habits !!!
Cut down your daily bad habits
No you have to get up and change what is boring
Identify you bad habits
Accept your weakness of having bad habits

Not all bad habits are negative
But we are not talking of the hood or bad habits now . But let’s do this practice : say I want to cut down my daily bad habits .
Again repeat after me : I want to really look into cutting down my bad habits to improve my mental quality
The million dollar question to the question : ( what if a bad habit improves my quality of life ????) answer me that mr robot automatics repeated question .. answer me ..
You see ? Grey is not a color we should use as example keep in mind . It’s either black or white … btw ( it’s red and white to me ) and nothings can be grey solution but a a panting .
Improving the mental quality will improve my quality of life … end of story .
Forgive the broken English and broken protocols . But I believe you got it right .. no ?