Which topics would you like to be more informed about?
Yellow all readers .
We have to be careful in this planet who is informing us , and where we are getting our information from !
before making even reading or hearing accepted .
If you do not know yet that we all ,and I mean all of us where misinformed in some places and that this world is full of illusions , you may have to think again .
I found this on Facebook yesterday , is it available in your country ? I love it 👀
I will give you the shortest example most of what is been informed to us is illusions
If you go on google right now and ask which is most trusted news on media ? The answer will be the weather news !!
Flat earth was thought in schools 100 years ago I think or less do not remember . And the evolving and technology informed us that earth is not flat . And still we can not predict what’s next .
This is not a negative message or thoughts , I personally was misinformed many times and had this information carried along and sometimes turned into way of thinking. . Am not going to dive into this now , But
The moral here and what am trying to say is ( we have to also learn how to judge ) source of informations is not trusted not because of a certain system or certain matrix or any discrimination to believes or color , but the changes and the evolving alone keeps question an option .
And after my life time experience and what am doing right now and on daily basis
Is creative Raw Research
And this is very helpful for us all and improvement to prospective we may have carried along that ourself inside doubt it .
There is nothing we should not question and research and we should never stop as nothing stays the same forever even religions evolve .
Now ! all above is Personal thinking . And there big difference in spreading information but just a shifted prospective and an example of information that can also shift your thinking :
But first remember this is not a political or religious involved writing but an improvement to prospectives and how I believe we all should consider :
Makes sense this example ? Did you catch the broken English idea ?
Now !
What I would like to be informed about ?
Revolution of technology
It’s one thing that I want always to be informed about .
And since there is apps that generates arts and creative ideas
And the recent epic transformation of artificial intelligence gives me personally a reason to stay tuned on this .
It’s one interesting and Dangerously created by dangerous minds that may lead to a complete distraction of humanity .
So please keep me informed before I get phone call from a dead person 🤣 smile nothing is worth worrying and nothing is guaranteed . And we all are going and will meet again .
Coming 🔜 🫥