What skill would you like to learn?
Greetings all my readers and fellow writers ✍️
One thing you should know , we are all unique and we are all gifted and non of us has no skills.
The moment you believe in something is the moment you stopped inquiring.
But there is a skill I always wished to have .
How to fake it
Oh yeah
How to lie
How to pretend
How to be there with someone meanwhile you are revenging
How to be with someone while you have hate and grief inside
How to fake years and fake emotions
How to fake a truth .
I am thankful I discovered my skills and working on improving them and I believe I have a 101 skills that am proud of .
But that one skill , I wish to have and at the same time I rebuke it .
But living a world of a fake reality requires a that skill to be included or else you will be always an odd
An odd that speaks truth
An odd that no matter how you fake and lie to , the universe itself will help me go through and help return the lies and the fake , the hate to be returned to sender .
I for sure do not want to have a skill of lies .
The skill I really want right now is patience , critical thinking , and advanced writing , and for sure after feeling better in creative writing and expressing myself better , these skills will help me continue my mission and succeed .

Hicham Mneimne