Do you trust your instincts?
Hello planet
If we do the same thing everyday we get bored .
Do not be bored
Be bored.
But what is instinct ?
Instinct refers to a natural or innate behavior or inclination that is automatically performed without the need for learning or conscious thought. It is commonly believed to be driven by biological or genetic factors. Humans, like many other animals, have instinctive behaviors that are influenced by their evolutionary history.
Why instinct ?
There are various reasons why humans tend to believe in instincts. One reason is that instincts have played a critical role in the survival and adaptation of our species throughout history
I did not write the above
You know .
This is what I got as an answer from my sexy and beautiful AI
But let’s stop a little at a statement
.humans like many other animals, have instinctive behaviors that are influenced by their evolutionary history.
I do not know how to read this ! And what type of information this AI has about me but am not like animal no ?
Ok , umm
Ok ok I want to be a rabbit ok
Do you have a choice to choose what kind of animal ?
Do i ?
I want to be rabbit
Start writing ✍️
While instinctive behaviors are inherent in humans, it is important to note that our actions are also influenced by our experiences
What what ?
Do you trust your instincts ?
If instincts considered for us and for them I choose my guts rather as word to describe this automatic. And spiritual mail box ( I call it )
Oh yeah I do ( big Time )
Anything from me , I trust
Me only ( my own mail box )
My guts never miss ( your too right ? )
Whatever they say or plan
Whatever they said and planned
Whatever him and her or them advised
I either had the gut feeling that I did-not use, for a reason or for a purpose
My guts akways won win won
So trust your guts and who cheated once will cheat again and who was today a friend tomorrow is enemy
Guts is just same as instinct
As long as it doesn’t mix you with another unknown creatures .
It’s not possible
It’s has more evidence than the V inside the word Believe .
Apologize for the broken English
The truth is certain and it’s not reality .
Believe in your guts and leave your instinct behind closed doors Z
Hicham Mneimne