Describe your ideal week.
It’s a simple breakup with a cheating Monday ، seeing Tuesday dreaming of Sunday

Ideal is perfection
Depends what is ideal for us
But to me it should have a little of everything and should never have any toxic day or anything from past . I will Consider the week starts on Monday
Monday : I do not like to work so breakfast coffee . Think on creative creation that I can do on Monday that exits me . Avoid any negative incoming calls or topics . Avoid being in crowd Monday . Finish the day with art sleep at 10 pm
Tuesday : early wake up 6 am and earlier out of the comfort zone ( to work or to a day out to 5pm ) then back home where there is a loved one and it’s only one on a Tuesday evening for a dinner and Maby sex .
Wednesday : wake up late and get late to work or out of comfort zone and back home early because it’s a Wednesday similar to Monday . So by 3 on working hours should or in public ends . Home and back at 8 pm out of comfort zone for dinner or meet up or a long walk . Back creat another art and sleep late .

Thursday wake up early 6 am and reach early to work or early out of the comfort zone . As Thursday is my productivity day and this day will do and creat arts and consume 80 percent energy . And back home after dinner just to shower and straight bed .
Friday : the day you have to be on shape even if you are not and it must start with excitement of the Saturday Sunday plans . I like and wish always to be also a vegetarian this day , so I’ll be busy thinking on what will be the meal and where . Early end of business day 3pm and get ready for a finishing up the arts that I been doing past days and get them ready for Saturday to take pictures of and make online . Friday usually ends like Monday night with loved one and sex .
Forget what pulls you back and embrace who you are and your limits
Saturday till 12 pm the rest of the day and Sunday will be special edition and not free to read or to scroll through it’s something that deserves to be valued . And also a red line for whom they think they can access Anyone’s life anytime for free .

Message here : I hope the broken English is able to expresses my emotions and letters but what am saying and giving an example of ( ideal means creativity and creativity to happen for us to keep going happy and positive we can not lie and we can not live in a routine and we have to aknowldge the truth and not the reality that if I say am having sex on Monday and Friday will make me loose a friend or a job or judged by family what if I tell you it’s one day sex with a female and other day with male or just self what would you say ?) I am not a pervert but am trying to tell you that I reached to a level where nothing can stop me from saying what I feel and doing what I love and write about to share a positive message to the once out there that are doing what they Donot like and pretending to be who they are not to please a reality that they Donot know why .
Reality opposite the truth
Life is short not present the real you to you .