How do you relax?
If this is true , I believe I should start creat a continuity plan learning from the first .

Then i will be relaxed . But here am writing my message earlier then before as footer , as this is my advice to you who is reading my letters right now .
Yes you .
What will you do if you lost your job again , or lost a closed member due this human made story and human behaviors ( personal thinking ) if you where in lockdown far from your loved once ? If you got it and nearly died from ? If you had days to look for income to keep going ? If you had to feel that fear that comes with it ? Are you prepared ? I am will do a continuity plan based on my last experience and avoid as much as possible to be in a location where I Donot have to be forced to any injection’s or boosters because I have to move . And make sure plan how to survive . In this part of the world Pacific Ocean , situations arrive later after the world has experienced like few month later or a year even , meanwhile the pacific enters new year before any other country around the world let’s learn from this first experience and protect ourselves and the loved once as this wave may be longer or turn to something else. ( sending positive energy to you and your loved ones . Message ends )

From the hidden prides in the Pacific Ocean Northern Island vinalevu Fiji sending positive energy
Back to how do I relax
Everyone of us is different and some relax using negative types of ways that they think it make them relax and other positive once that is based on their personalities and characters.
You can smoke weed and call it relax and you can listen to music and relax , or you can sit in a beach and relax and each of us relaxes differently .
But can we find relaxation when our life is messed up ? And Falling apart ? Can we relax when our mind and heart is worry ?
Yes can !
Oh yes we can . But am going to speak how on another post as page
Are you one?
But real relax comes when your mind is calling for it while the heart is in peace .

Yellow h
I relax everyday for long ours sometimes 4 to 5 hours daily and it when I do what I love , I creat art , I use colors I paint . And hear music I like . While I am in. My quite space . And I daily plan my next relaxation plan what am going to , or how I enhance my relaxing time for making more relaxing .
Let’s creat and find time and relax it helps us creat and survive in a planet of tension .