What is good about having a pet?
( it was not the fly )
Having a pet can bring numerous benefits, and great things to have if you an alone person .
These numerous benefits and stuff you can find on Google , but here we do train hour creativity to
Hello planet
Greeting all creatures and Artists .
My followers I hope your heart is happy .
The Dogcalypse /part 1
Is a short, intense horror film that explores the idea of unconditional love turning into a nightmare when yyour loyal pet becomes a zombie, posing a deadly threat to those who once cherished it

To be continued (Goddess from Hell )
Once upon a time there was beautiful village in the far north of Siberia Called the Korikotos
It’s was like an island but not one
Like Heaven but fire in it
Like a dessert but rainy
Surround by cold white snow but lava
Korikotos : was the name
, it was a quiet town,
It was a loving family
Who loved each each other and always joyful days .
Suddenly they heard noise at their door .
It was a dog
A stray dog
The family adopts a stray dog and decided to be fully committed to that dog .
The dog was exhausted , wounded , stuck in its own mud , crying , hungry
And with the efforts of this kind family
They decided to the dog a name
And since the Month April ,
The people of Korikotos where not like any-other creature existed as they had their own god and own believes
was for the family as holy month where they pray to lord ( AMAYA ) . ,
So they named her April after
Believing that April is sent to them a sign of joy and calmness
April quickly becomes an integral part of their lives
Signs or red flags 🚩
April had a habit of peening where she eats and pre where she sleeps
Pigs behavior meanwhile she was just stray dog .
These behaviors made the family believe that
April had a mental health or some sort of strayvid19 .
April became A Dark and cold December
aggressiveness and depression from her past , made her confused not realizing she is not stray and been with a loving family .
However, a sinister event changes everything one fateful night.
April left the family and went in the bushes , the family saw her going but she was running fast .
Like she was scared
Something is after her
April is gone . !!
Family thought she is gone
But dogs always remember and desire universally who fed first .
And on FRIDAY the family decided to gather for a ritual Gathering at their place witch could fit for only 13
The prayer To the god AMAYA to bring back their loving dog who runaway in the bushes
Before the started the prayers , a huge thunder and rain appeared and started to transform to a dark storm , in on a grey cloud .
And suddenly they saw April the dog in front of them
Full of wounds and blood
She was attacked
She was hurt
But quickly the family realized
April is bitten by a mysterious creature during her run in the woods.
She had also green earwax coming out her ear
A creature and suspected to be humans but infected with a virus
As days pass, April behavior becomes increasingly erratic.
She is no longer the loyal and friendly dog he once was. Instead, he exhibits signs of aggression and
The family decided to bring their grand mother the handicap and leave the house . They heard sound of water drops and t, was eaten completely by April

Self Heal
April face covered with blood
The family is horrified to realize that April has transformed from a stray dog to zomdog
And nothing can stop April for eaten more humans that she ate before she was found .
April face turned
with rotting flesh and glowing, malevolent eyes, a big nose , covered with blood dripping down her jaws down to her her knees down .
The family must now confront their undead pet,
But the undead pet confronting
has triggered the thirsty soul they have have for blood and distraction ,
April Did not believe she was dead
And thought skies are blue and that’s ketchup on their lips to their knees .
April was
trapped inside their home, as April hunger for flesh endangers their lives and after April ate their lovely grand mother.
A suspenseful and chilling battle for survival ensues, with the family fighting to escape their once-beloved but now undead bloody zombdog it’s a bloodbath nightmare .
Dreams can become nightmare
A friend can become a zombie
A loved once can die during our journey
But the there souls can not be infected
They are gods n earth
They are healers
End of typing 💬 writing ✍️
Hicham Mneimne