Interview someone — a friend, another blogger, your mother, the mailman — and write a post based on their responses.
And this time the title matches the content and not just to pull your leg in .
I Donot know what type of interview you want me to creat and write about exactly , but between and my mother there is no interview , me and a friend I have one but it’s a toy , mail man I have a gmail but I will use the word someone in your question .
But The last time I interviewed someone and that was very recent event , just a month ago .
And I really was curious to interview her and ask her few question regardless me and her in one room and the reason , but like I felt asking and interested to know her prospectives in some thoughts flying in my mind .
And I will write the exact event honest and true story as usual and with my limited English .
I asked her what your name :
she said Mia
How old are you ?
Does it matter to you ? Mia responded
I said yes because you look older than what you pretended to be
She said on am 32 and not 26
What do you apart from on call girl ?
She said I work in a bar as a bartender sometimes .
She had good vibes and energy but I was not too comfortable and wanted to know more . As she seemed to confident , we where having a drink during this conversation
So I asked her what she likes ?
Mia responded: I like fun and honesty
Since she likes honesty I asked her do you have a boyfriend or someone you love ?
Mia with confident responded consistently NO AM MARRIED !!
Ok am here like ok beautiful and congratulations for both but are you doing bitching for the need of money ?
Cin city
Mia responded : hell no , I did not come with cap , my car is down there .
Then ?
I like fun Mia said
I asked fun how ? What about that guy you call husband ?
Oh been married since 7 years and it became boring !! Mia responded
Now I got kinda yuk feeling inside me but still wanted more to ask
What is your fantasies mia ? I asked as was trying to understand who’s fault is this me or them , her or her husband .
She responded oh there is only one that I always think of and it’s my only fantasy .
Mia described her fantasies and of course it what the tabu one the fantasy that many people do not speak about in public , the fantasy that is forbidden .
In the end fantasy called to remain inside and not to be spoken about . It was also an interesting topic to speak about in other time ( fantasy )
Mia does he knows you are here for example ?
She responded with confidence again , not about knowing I am here or elsewhere , yeah he knows I do what I do . As he also does what he does !!!! Mia responded
Do you have kids ? I asked
Mia responded : yea I do have 2
In my mind I am like ( so they both bitch around because they both bored and coming back home together and all this is in-front of the kids )
Mia felt that I was just triggered and disgusted . Didn’t take much time to me to feel it and the interview was ended .
Blue Coffee
The message here : and this is not one time true story but this is a case of a lot of humans .
If you are bored means you never loved the person and if you are staying because of the children you are only creating another you .
And looking at the Mia age and when she got married . She was a kid and made a wrong choice Maby , but how can you be so dump to creat a life like that for her to accept to cheat and sleep around and accept her man to do same and calls her marriage boring !!!
Forgive my English boring short story . Blue coffee