Donot keep it Donot creat it
Scour the news for an entirely uninteresting story. Consider how it connects to your life. Write about that.
Yesterday I woke up late , 15 minutes late than the usual time , looked at my alarm , and damn I forgot to send Alam before I slept .
I went to shower so I can get as early as possible to work . Then I wanted to make a quick coffe , I heated the water and during the time , I dressed up and I do not why only the Micky mouse socks available to wear today .
Water was boiling so I started to prepare my quick coffe .
I added my sugar and start drinking it sip after sip .
I left the house finally , and exactly am late 45 minutes to work , so if I drive my car now till I reach that would be an hour late .
So I opened my car want to enter , I receive a call that todays work place is closed due the death of the ceo .
I closed back the door , entered back my house , removed the Micky mouse socks and went to sleep .
The End
But wait do you know what is also a boring story ?
Doing the same mistakes over and over again believing that they will change ..
If you into that boring story
Pull your leg out now .